Logistics Worker Training Program — Detroit Training Center

logistics noun. the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies.

logistics worker training program

Our Logistics Worker training program is an entry level 2 week intensive program that prepares students for work in the logistics industry. Students will receive hands-on training in the operation of both stand-up and sit-down forklifts. In-depth lectures and course materials will cover topics such as inventory management, soft skills, and OSHA 10 safe procedures.

Credentials earned

  • First Aid: First Aid is the emergency care you give to a person suffering from an illness or injury. It’s meant to help preserve the life of the person, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery while you wait for professional medical treatment.

  • CPR: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a lifesaving technique that increases the chances of survival of a person suffering from a respiratory or cardiac crisis. This technique should be done while you wait for professional medical assistance to arrive.

  • Blood-borne Pathogens License: Learning about blood-borne pathogens can help you avoid exposure and risk from blood and other contaminated materials.

  • OSHA 10 Safety License: This 10-hour training course is meant to teach you health and safety measurements you should take in your workplace, along with your rights as a worker.

  • Forklift Standard Operator Safety Certification: Forklift operators transport, load, and unload heavy materials in short distances. This course will refresh experienced operators on important safety principles required by OSHA.

  • Forklift Stand-up Operator Safety Certification: Stand up forklifts have the operator standing while running the lift. This course is meant to refresh experienced workers on essential safety principles required by OSHA.

  • Forklift Preventative Maintenance: Forklifts are versatile machines and essential in many facilities. Moreover, they’re quite the investment. In order to protect your investment, regular preventative maintenance must be done.

  • Inventory Management: Properly order, store, and use your company’s inventory.

  • Soft Skills: Soft skills are essential when dealing with customers. Good communication is the key to success.


2 weeks

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logistics worker training program